Professional Trainings
My Trainings
1. Training on The future of innovation in diagnostics & healthcare in Bangladesh. ( Period: 20 January to 21 January, 2023).
2. Training on Public Financial Management (PFM) for Health sector Organized by Institute of Public Finance Bangladesh , Finance Division, Ministry of Finance. (Period: 18 May to 22 May 2022)
3. Skill Development On Construction of OSPE/OSCE, organized by BCPS, Period:21 Sep,2019.Mohakhali,Dhaka.
4. Foundation Training, organized by BARD, Period:10 May, 2018.Kotbari,Comilla.
5. “Developing A Business Plan” Jointly Organized by International Finance Corporation (IFC) SEBA Limited & Small & Cottage Industries Training Institute (SCITI), BSCIC. Held on May, 4 to 6, 2014.
6. Burn Management, organized by WHO & DGHS, Dhaka,Bangladesh, Period: 23-24 May, 2014.
7. Adolescent Health, organized by DGHS,Dhaka, Bangladesh), Period: 26-27 January, 2013.
8. Attended as Participant in the Training Programme on ” Communication Skill Development and IT”. Jointly Organized by BCPS and DGHS. Held on 21 to 25 April, 2012.
10. Gender, NGO & Stakeholder Participation, organized by GNSP, Period:Held during 29-31 January 2011.
11. Symposium and Workshop on Hemophilia , organized by NMO of the World Federation of Hemophilia., Period: 14-15 Nov, 2009.
12. Diagnosis & Management of Childhood TB, organized by NTCP, Damien Foundation, Period: 12-14 Nov, 2009
13. “Writing A Dissertation” Organized by Research and Training Monitoring Committee of Bangladesh College of Physicians & Surgeons. Period: 2 to 5, june 2008.
14. “50 Hours English Language Training Course” From Rajshahi Medical College. (5th August to 12th September, 1996).